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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pete and Pick

    I wanted to try something a little different with this article.  While, I have enjoyed writing about our team and their accomplishments, this blog has given me an avenue to do some things I normally wouldn't get a chance to do.  So, I decided to interview Pete and Pick.
    If you are a fan of GHS sports in any way, you know who these two guys are.  They have made themselves fixtures at many GHS athletic activities.  In this article, I decided to combine two passions of mine...history and baseball.  These two provided the history of GHS athletics and we also talked about this years baseball team.  I asked just a few questions and they were kind enough to humor me and answer.  Both of these gentlemen have been friendly and supportive of me since I got here.  This is just my way of thanking them and I hope you enjoy reading about the "guys under the tree" at our home baseball games.

JM: How long have you been attending the various Streaks games and matches that we see you at?

Pete: I graduated in '53 and went to Monmouth College for one year.  I have been following the Streaks ever since
(May be tough for MC alumns to read, given the hat he is wearing in the picture)

Pick: I have followed all sports for approximately 40 years

JM: What is your favorite GHS sport to watch and why?

Pete: Really don't have a favorite, I love all sports

Pick:  Baseball,  I umpired for many years

JM: What are a couple of GHS sports highlights that you can recall being in attendance to witness?

Pete: I watched Dale Kelly score 52 points against Rock Island.  Still the most beautiful jump shot I have ever seen

Pick: Winning the baseball state championship.  Also the Rock Island "stall" game when the final score was 23-21 

JM: After the limited games you have seen this season, what do you think the 2011 Streaks can accomplish?

Pete: I honestly believe this team should really do something good.  They have all the material that's needed to be really special

Pick: I think they could be at State

JM: If you had your wish, what improvements would  you like to see made at Jim Sundberg Field?

Pete: I would like to see a much needed new scoreboard.  If not a new one, at least paint the one we have.  As soon as I hit the lotto, that's going to be the first thing I do...

Pick: A total makeover.  A new fence and bleachers down the left and right field lines.

JM:  Finally, the most important question...If my 7 months pregnant wife was watching a game next to you and a hard foul ball was hit your way, which one of you would be the first to sacrifice your body to protect her?

Pete:  Being the gentleman that I am, I would sacrifice my body to protect your wife

Pick:  Me of course, Pete cant move